Are you ready to have a

Real Life Relationship

with your teenager?

Life Coach 


I help parents connect with their teens in meaningful and real ways. Click below for the 3 Keys to building a real relationship with your teen.


From one teenage parent to another, I’ve been there. That moment when you realize you have gone from being the hero in your child’s eyes, to the enemy. What happened to that loveable human? Where did that connected relationship go? Maybe it’s them or maybe it’s me?

We love our people and we feel a sense of responsibility to help them grow into kind, capable, hard working adults. We are grasping for any control we can get and yet, all we receive in return is a whole lot of pushback, eye rolls, sighs and grunts. 

As a Mother of 6 and certified life coach for parents of teens I know how frustrating and powerless this can feel. I’m here to tell you… it doesn’t have to be that way!  I can share with you the secrets to nurture a real life relationship with your teenager… the human kind.  A relationship built on real connection and real love.  As your coach, I will give you a new perspective and help you find the root of the problem.

What my Clients Say


I have worked with Nicole for a few months now and have gained so much.  She has opened my eyes to see how hurtful and ineffective my thoughts can be.  She is teaching me how to observe and change that thought process in a way that makes me feel empowered and strong.




Nicole has been incredibly helpful.  She has helped me work through underling beliefs that lead to anxiety in my life.  As a result of our weekly phone and video interactions, I have had moments of profound ease and contentment.  She naturally sees things as they are and not as I would have her see them.  With the utmost compassion, she helps me see how my thoughts are affecting my life and my relationships.  It’s incredibly empowering to realize I have a choice in how I think and how I feel.  Anyone and everyone would benefit from working with Nicole.




“Nicole is not only an amazing person, but she changed my life forever. This experience has caused me to look at life so much differently than before. I have so much more control of my life than I could have imagined and sometimes it takes someone like her to help you figure that out. I could not recommend her enough and will love her forever for all she has taught me. “



On The Blog

What Makes Us Human

What Makes Us Human

Avoid Pain.   Seek Pleasure.   Conserve Energy.   We humans are hard wired for these 3 things.   Hundreds of years ago, this system worked.  In fact, it’s the reason we survived and thrived as a species.   If a lion was chasing you, it would be very beneficial to...

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Feel Your Feelings

Feel Your Feelings

WHY DO FEELINGS MATTER? Simply put.  Feelings drive all of our actions. DEFINITIONS It’s important to discuss the difference between a feeling and a sensation.  Sensations, like true hunger, physical pain, etc, are involuntary and begin in the body. ...

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Counseling or Coaching?

Counseling or Coaching?

Many have asked me the difference between Counseling and Coaching and how to know which one is best for your situation.   I love how my fellow coach @natatalieclaycoaching summed it up....  She said, “Simply put, if you can’t get out of bed to go to work in...

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3 Keys

to building a real relationship with your teen.

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